Rooster - Symbol of Denial

And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly.
- Matthew 26:75 [ESV]
PassageS: Matthew 26:30-35, 69-75
The most devoted people struggle. It can be easy within Christianity to strive for perfection, which often leads to feelings of shame or isolation from others because of it. This can cause the gift of the cross to seem like something to earn rather than receive.
The most profound part of this passage is that Jesus knew that Peter would deny Him. Peter, unaware of the grace of God, would choose to go back to Him. It is how one handles the sin that matters, it is not about being perfect. This passage encourages us to have a repentant heart that seeks the Lord. Christ covers all things and redeems us. God isn’t an angry father with His arms crossed looking down on us, but rather a loving father and friend who has open arms for us.
That being said, how much is Jesus worth to you? And how many times have you been put in a situation where you have either denied or disowned Jesus? We all have. It is not easy being a Christian, but it holds the greatest reward. I find it interesting that Peter was a dedicated follower of Jesus, yet in an attempt to blend in with the crowd out of fear, he rejected his king. Discomfort is something we get called into and it is one of the costs of following Jesus. Although having a true relationship with God is a free gift, it also costs us everything.
We have to ask ourselves, is Jesus worth more than my family, my friends, my career, my status, etc? It is God who has the final say in your life, not the people or things around you. I want to ask you further….Are you embarrassed to be a follower of Christ? Do you blend in with the crowd or are you seen as set apart from the world? This is something that we all need to reflect on. Finally, I just want to encourage you to be in the habit of seeking God through the struggles because He cares for you and He wants to help you embrace your identity in Him.