Admitted Student FAQs

Admitted students can find information below about housing, classes, mail, and the academic calendar.


What if I want to change my housing assignment?

Please contact the Residence Life Office at 303-963-3460 or

Where do I go on the housing portal to chat with roommates?

Students can only message each other through the portal once they are in the same roommate group. We encourage students to add one another to a roommate group and use the portal’s messaging feature to chat. It’s as easy as the push of a button to leave a roommate group if you discover it’s not a great fit.

My room only has room for five people, but I thought it was six? Does this change how much we have to pay for housing since there are only five of us?

Please contact Residence Life at with your specific question. There may be many reasons for this.

How do I change my meal plan?

Use the Meal Plan Change Request Form in the CCU Housing Portal.

Please remember that first-year students must select either the 15-week or 18-week meal plan. See the residence life meal plan page for more information. 

Will I be notified if a new person is added to my apartment?

Yes, you'll receive an email each time someone joins the apartment. Additionally, you can view your roommate information at any time on the housing portal.

Where can I find a layout of the apartments?

You can view floor plans of the apartments and a list of what is included in each layout under Housing Options on the residence page.

What should I bring to campus?

Please see our recommended list

I completed a housing waiver and it was approved, but now I want to live on campus. How do I get signed up for housing?

Great! You can still select housing, even if you have an approved waiver. If you have any questions about the housing application or meal selection, please contact

The housing portal is already open and I am not in a roommate group. Do I need to be in a roommate group before I can add myself to an apartment?

Not at all! Many students choose to proceed with room selection without having a roommate group. Once you select a room, you will be notified who the other students in that room are. You can chat with them through the portal or social media, and get to know one another more.

Which housing option is most popular?

There isn’t an area on campus that’s the most popular. Every student has a different list of priorities and preferences when selecting a room. Students often consider the location of the residence hall on campus, the number of bedrooms or bathrooms within the apartment, pricing differences, apartment layout, or preferences of their roommates when selecting housing.


Can I put together my degree plan (4 year class schedule) now?

When you are completing registration, the priority is for you to register your first-semester classes only. As you go through the registration process, you will learn how to use the resources that are available to you in order to put together a degree plan; however, the registration process is intended for you to register into your first semester courses. Once classes have begun, you can set up an appointment with your LDC advisor to discuss the four-year plan.

My course did not come over as I expected. What do I do if I feel a course meets the requirements for a different class?

If you believe one of your classes could fulfill a different degree, contact your LDC advisor at 303-963-3010 or Please also see the Prospective Freshman FAQs for more information regarding dual credit, AP, IB, and transferring in classes.

What if I change my major this summer?

Contact the LDC (Life Directions Center) at 303-963-3010 or Your LDC advisor will assist you in making changes to courses, if applicable.

How do I view my class schedule?

  1. Login to
  2. Select Student Planning on the left
  3. Select "Plan your degree & Register for classes"
  4. Select "Schedule"
  5. Use the arrows to navigate to the fall semester
  6. Above the course calendar click the "Print" button
  7. Once the schedule opens in a new window, use your browser's printer icon or hit Ctrl-P on your keyboard (Cmd-P on a Mac) to print your schedule.

What kind of computer/software do I need?

For the latest information on computer and software requirements, please visit the CCU Technology page.

How do I know what text books to buy and when should I buy them?

All CCU students in our traditional/residential programs (College of Undergraduate Studies) may use CCU’s Textbooks link on our webpage to enter the virtual bookstore. First, select the “division” of the College of Undergraduate Studies; then select your course IDs from the menu. You may purchase your resources with your credit card, and return policies are posted on this link. If you wish to purchase resources through a third-party vendor, please consult your professor to see if any access codes or particular editions of the resource are required.


What is the student mailing address at CCU?

8787 W. Alameda Ave
Lakewood, CO 80226

How do students get their mail?

Students are sent a text when it is time to pick up mail in the mailroom.

Can I send some items ahead of my arrival?

Yes! We do ask that you do not send anything before August 1.

Transportation and Travel

Can I bring my car?

Yes, all students are welcome to bring a car to campus. Students do need to register their car with the University, but it is free to do so. The information to register a student's car is on the admitted student checklist.

Is there a shuttle to the airport from campus?

There is not a shuttle provided by CCU, however there are several ways to get to the airport:

We want to schedule flights home for Christmas—what is the final exam schedule?

Please see the final exam schedule page for more details.


Where can I find a calendar?

Please see the undergrad calendar page for the academic year. Please note to always make sure you are looking at the College of Undergraduate Studies information when looking on the website.

Can students stay on campus during Thanksgiving/Fall Break?

Yes, the residence halls will stay open for the week. There is no meal service during this break.

Can students stay on campus during Christmas/Winter Break?

The residence halls are closed during the Winter/Christmas break. Students will be able to request to stay on campus for a minimal fee. There is no meal service during this break.

Can students stay on campus during spring break?

Yes, the residence halls will stay open for this week. There is no meal service during this break.