Eleanor (Ellie) Jackson

Meet Eleanor (Ellie)

Hi there! I am so excited to work with future college students! The transition from high school to college, while it is such a sweet season, is full of uncertainty, newness, and the unknown. I am honored that I get to walk with students through the very important decision of where to spend their time investing in the academic, emotional, and spiritual development that comes in college. My own college experience was highly transformative and the growth I experienced shaped a lot of who I am today. Because of the friendships, conversations, and core memories I still carry with me daily, I am walking in the divine direction God has put on my life.

College is a big deal! And CCU is the real deal! I am so excited to show you what the amazing, Christ-centered community CCU can offer you, not just in your four years here, but in your lifetime!

Hometown: Evergreen, Colorado

Education: B.A. Psychology (The University of Alabama)

Favorite verse: “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” - 1 Corinthians 14:33a (ESV)

Hobbies: As a Colorado native, I love the mountains, so I am always looking for a way to be outside, whether it be skiing, hiking, or basking in the sun. In my free time, I spend a lot of time teaching yoga, eating Chick-fil-A, reading books, and watching college football.

Before I came to CCU: After graduating from The University of Alabama with a degree in Psychology, I moved around to a few cities across the country working different jobs in sales, marketing, and customer service. After working for several years as a career coach, my passion for walking people through transitions started to surface. Following a push from God, I moved my husband and dog back to Colorado to pursue my master's degree in counseling at CCU. Now, I serve as an Enrollment Counselor for undergraduate students and am looking forward to helping students foster the same emotional, spiritual, and mental growth I had in my own college experience.