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Minor in Business

For Non-School of Business and Leadership Majors

The Business minor is designed to provide students in non-business majors with an understanding of the language and basic concepts of business. Offered through the School of Business and Leadership, the minor introduces students to the foundation areas of business by drawing on core courses to give a broad, non-specialized exposure to business. It is designed to provide entry-level employment skills for a wide range of jobs and to help provide a bridge to the business world for non-business majors.

The minor offers a concentrated area of coursework to supplement your major field of study. It is designed to enhance the range of topics and knowledge for a well-rounded student. It can provide exposure to important concepts that help students prepare for a fast-paced workplace.

Business at CCU

With recent trends in corporate America, there is a rising demand for a new kind of business leader — one equipped with practical knowledge, sound decision-making skills, entrepreneurial vision, and an ethical focus. The world needs leaders who understand that "ethics" isn't just the topic of the day, but is central to how we operate in business and in everyday life. Leaders must understand that ethics is not a matter of relativism. Instead, ethics ought to be a product of natural law. Ethical rights and duties ought not be determined by what society decides is right and wrong. At CCU, we teach that ethics must rely upon an understanding of morality based upon Scripture and a Christian worldview. That is the difference that sets our business students apart.

What can you do with a minor in business?
  • Entry level management
  • Entrepreneurial ventures
  • Information technology careers
  • Consulting
Interesting Classes You Might Take
  • Introduction to Business
  • Principles of Accounting
  • Principles of Marketing

Course Catalog

About the School of Business and Leadership

The School of Business and Leadership follows a practitioner-professor model; every professor has been successful in business, with many of them still owning and running their businesses part-time as they teach. Close connection to the workplace ensures they stay relevant and incorporate the latest business wisdom and trends as well as understand what employers are seeking. Employers are our customers while students are our clients whom we are preparing for success.

Our professors have accumulated decades of business experience and academic credentials, working in law firms, Fortune 500 companies, high-tech companies, small firms, and entrepreneurship endeavors. Some accomplishments include running communications for the Olympics in Beijing, amassing a real small estate empire, building their own Financial Management company that invests more than $30 million, and one professor who has started more than ten new businesses. Our professors have connections that can provide networking opportunities to help you get the most out of your experience at CCU.

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