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Minor in Business Data Analytics

In today's business landscape, endless amounts of data inform the growth of nearly all corporations and organizations, helping them scale their companies, understand their clients better, and develop products that reflect consumer demands. With this wealth of information at their fingertips, businesses are increasingly incorporating analytics into their decision-making processes to make better data-driven decisions. The market demand for business data analytics skills shows no sign of slowing.

The Business Data Analytics minor provides highly sought-after foundational skills in this ever-growing field that are relevant, applicable, and extremely versatile in most professions today. Offered at CCU through the School of Business and Leadership, this minor complements any major field of study to produce graduates who stand out and are successful in the 21st-century workforce.

Business Data Analytics at CCU

Business data analytics are integral to operations, marketing, and expansion decisions. This minor equips students with a fundamental comprehension of programming and databases, as well as with courses in how to mine today's vast data stores and implement the information garnered in ethical and responsible ways.

Upon completion of the coursework for this minor, students will understand the critical dynamics involved in data management and business decision-making, with all courses taught from a biblical perspective. Through engaging and cutting-edge technology, students will apply advanced data-mining techniques to assimilate information for optimal business problem-solving and create accurate forecasts using time series data, all while maintaining strong ethics that demonstrate biblical principles.

What can you do with a minor in business data analytics?
  • Business intelligence analyst
  • Product or project manager
  • Marketing/Market research analyst
  • Operations/Supply chain analyst
  • Consumer insights/Social media analyst
  • IT director
  • Management analyst/consultant
Interesting Classes You Might Take
  • Business for the 21st Century
  • Database Administration and Implementation
  • Business Analytics and Data Management
  • Applied Business Analytics

Course Catalog

About the School of Business and Leadership

The School of Business and Leadership follows a practitioner-professor model; every professor has been successful in business, with many of them still owning and running their businesses part-time as they teach. Close connection to the workplace ensures they stay relevant and incorporate the latest business wisdom and trends as well as understand what employers are seeking. Employers are our customers while students are our clients whom we are preparing for success.

Our professors have accumulated decades of business experience and academic credentials, working in law firms, Fortune 500 companies, high-tech companies, small firms, and entrepreneurship endeavors. Some accomplishments include running communications for the Olympics in Beijing, amassing a real small estate empire, building their own Financial Management company that invests more than $30 million, and one professor who has started more than ten new businesses. Our professors have connections that can provide networking opportunities to help you get the most out of your experience at CCU.

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