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Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Exercise Science (B.S.)

Program Options: Major, Minor

The Kinesiology and Exercise Science major offered through CCU's School of Science and Engineering will provide you with the skills and knowledge to be a steward of physical healing and fitness, while equipping you for a career in the health and wellness industry. The kinesiology and exercise science major focuses on exercise, movement, nutrition, and disease prevention while preparing you for a career in a variety of clinical health-related fields.

The study of kinesiology and exercise science prepares students for positions in the growing and diverse field of health, exercise, and fitness, to gain admission into various professional and graduate schools, or to obtain appropriate certifications.

From coursework to hands-on-experience, you will gain the skills you need to excel. CCU provides a quality, Christ-centered approach to the field of physical movement and exercise through study, practice, and service — an approach that will prepare you for your career, whether your intention is to become a nutritionist, work in physical therapy, or another profession in health and fitness.

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$4,000 Core Program Scholarships

Apply and deposit by July 17, 2025. Students seeking a degree in a CCU Core Program automatically qualify! 

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Kinesiology and Exercise Science at CCU

The book of Genesis teaches that human beings are created in the image of God, the imago Dei. This truth is the basis for the kinesiology and exercise science program at CCU. Because human beings are created beings that exist as both body and soul, we are called to steward that creation. The primary focus of the kinesiology and exercise science program is for each student to develop abilities and master knowledge and skills necessary to provide leadership in the health and fitness field. Graduates will have a solid, broad-based background in the field and will have the knowledge to apply instruments and techniques in a practical setting, while doing so as ethical leaders committed to Christian service.

What can you do with a degree in kinesiology and exercise science?
  • Athletic Training
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Sports Medicine
Interesting Classes You Might Take
  • Biometrics and Evaluation
  • Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation
  • Sports Medicine

About the School of Science and Engineering

In the School of Science and Engineering at Colorado Christian University, character forms the bedrock of God-honoring and kingdom-building science. We aim to help our students explore the world that God created, use cutting-edge technology, and discover how faith interacts with questions that arise out of studying science. We focus on teaching our students how to articulate a Christian perspective on issues such as bioethics, ecology, and human life.

Science and engineering programs are taught within the world of ideas, synthesizing the liberal arts, advanced theories, and applied technology. Our faculty intentionally seek out ways to hone a Christ-like character in our students, inspiring them to become moral and ethical, world-changing leaders. Purposefully small classes and laboratories invite students to learn with their hands as well as their minds. This instills a level of mastery necessary to become a leader in rapidly-advancing fields of science and engineering.

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