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Minor in Public Accountant Preparation

For Accounting Majors Only

Accounting is often called the "language of business," because it deals with interpreting information about a company's operations and finances. While all Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are accountants, not all accountants are CPAs. CPAs are required to master the core competencies of accounting professionals while further developing the research skills and character needed to become a trusted financial advisor for individuals and businesses.

The minor in Public Accountant Preparation, offered through the School of Business and Leadership, prepares you for the CPA exam and entry-level positions, including auditing, consulting, and tax preparation in public and private sectors.

In order to obtain an undergraduate degree in accounting, a student must complete 120 hours of coursework covering topics in General Education, Business Core, Accounting Major Core and Electives, and General Electives. In order to become a Certified Public Accountant, most states require applicants to complete 150 semester hours of non-duplicative coursework, including successful completion of specific accounting and business administration courses. This minor helps bridge the gap between the 120 and 150 hour requirements, allowing students to take 7 additional courses (21 hours).

Minor in Public Accountant Preparation at CCU

The CPA credential is a symbol of trust and professionalism in the world of business, allowing CPAs to become highly influential advisors in both Fortune 500 companies and small neighborhood businesses. From careers investigating criminal fraud for the FBI to holding C-level positions such as a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), CPAs are relied on to uphold high ethical standards.

At CCU, you'll be encouraged and challenged to bring your Christian values to your work in the business marketplace. Whether you are helping individuals save for a new home or planning a multi-billion dollar merger, as a CCU graduate with the CPA minor, you will be thoroughly prepared to be a good steward of the resources that you manage.

What can you do with a minor in Public Accountant Preparation?
  • Management accounting
  • Public accounting
  • Auditing entities in the commonwealth
  • Financial accounting
Interesting Classes You Might Take
    • Accounting Ethics
    • Auditing I/II
    • Certified Public Accountant's Exam Review

About the School of Business and Leadership

The School of Business and Leadership follows a practitioner-professor model; every professor has been successful in business, with many of them still owning and running their businesses part-time as they teach. Close connection to the workplace ensures they stay relevant and incorporate the latest business wisdom and trends as well as understand what employers are seeking. Employers are our customers while students are our clients whom we are preparing for success.

Our professors have accumulated decades of business experience and academic credentials, working in law firms, Fortune 500 companies, high-tech companies, small firms, and entrepreneurship endeavors. Some accomplishments include running communications for the Olympics in Beijing, amassing a real small estate empire, building their own Financial Management company that invests more than $30 million, and one professor who has started more than ten new businesses. Our professors have connections that can provide networking opportunities to help you get the most out of your experience at CCU.

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