Interpreting God's Two Books
The Origins lecture series was a multi-session dialogue between CCU's School of Theology and the School of Science and Engineering on the topic of the origins of the universe and of human beings. In the series, we examined and discussed these origins from both theological and scientific perspectives.
One goal was to get students and friends of CCU to think about the fields of science and theology and how they each approach the topic of origins. Our common goal for the series was additionally to show that academics in both theology and science can dialogue in friendly terms on this topic. We both agree and sometimes also disagree on the details of origins. Where we may disagree, those disagreements are peripheral to our common faith in Jesus, not central pillars of our faith.
Lecture Videos

Origins of the Universe
2019 Lecture 1
Dr. Ian Clary from our School of Theology and Dr. Lene Jaqua from our School of Science and Engineering will discuss the "Origins of the Universe".
Origins of Human Life
2019 Lecture 2
Dr. John Wind from our School of Theology and Dr. Julie Woodman from our School of Science and Engineering will discuss the "Origins of Human Life."
Where do we go from here?
2019 Lecture 3 (Panel)
Dr. David Kotter, Dr. Mark Parker, Dr. Ian Clary, Dr. Lene Jaqua, Dr. John Wind, and Dr. Julie Woodmanwill participate in a panel discussion titled, "Where do we go from here?"