female counselor with client

The 5 Highest Paying Careers in Counseling

Counseling is a profession that allows you to create genuine, lasting changes in people's lives. The demand for counselors is high, and the versatility within the profession is noteworthy. Whether you're interested in school counseling, marriage and family therapy, or clinical mental health counseling, there are many paths you can take. Plus, obtaining your counseling degree online opens up a wide range of opportunities and ensures viability for years to come.

If you're considering a career in counseling, you're probably curious about the highest-paying jobs in the field. Exploring the financial rewards associated with different counseling specialties can guide you toward a career that is both fulfilling and rewarding. By delving into the various opportunities and understanding the salary potential, you can better envision your future as a professional counselor.

What is the average salary for a counselor? Here's an in-depth look at different types of counselors and their respective salaries. Understanding the financial aspect of various counseling roles can help you make an informed decision if you're considering a career in this field.

1. School Counselor

If you're interested in cultivating young minds and driving students toward their full potential, school counseling is an excellent fit for you. In this role, you will have the opportunity to guide students through critical phases of their academic and personal development, helping them overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Your ability to provide support, encouragement, and practical advice can make a significant difference in their lives, setting them on a path toward success. Engaging with students daily and witnessing their growth can be incredibly rewarding, personally and professionally.

Moreover, school counseling is one of the highest-paying counseling jobs, making it a financially viable career choice. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for school counselors is $61,710 per year as of May 2023. The demand for qualified school counselors is also rising, with a projected job growth rate of 5 percent from 2022 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations.

This growth rate means you will have ample opportunities to advance in your career. By choosing a career in school counseling, you can enjoy the satisfaction of positively impacting young lives and the benefits of a stable and lucrative profession.

2. Career Counselor

In many ways, this path is much like becoming a school counselor. The biggest difference is the clientele. Just like young people, adults can struggle to determine career goals and build necessary skills. Career counselors are there to optimize those efforts, guiding individuals through career planning and skill development complexities.

Career counselors are well compensated for their expertise. The median salary, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, is also in the $61,710 range, reflecting the value of their specialized knowledge. Additionally, the field offers steady opportunities to advance, making it a rewarding career choice for those interested in helping adults navigate their professional lives.

3. Mental Health, Marriage, and Family Counselor

No matter what specialty you settle upon, this field of counseling services focuses on people going through acute events in their lives. Working in this field involves providing emotional support, nurturing guidance, and crucial interventions, making it highly satisfying and impactful work. Helping individuals navigate challenging periods cannot be overstated, as it contributes significantly to their overall well-being and recovery.

“Each person and each family has their own unique cultural ecosystem,” said Dr. Trent Langhofer, Clinical Director and Clinical Mental Health Counseling Professor at Colorado Christian University. “Part of successful mental health care is getting intimately familiar with these proverbial cultural ecosystems of each of my clients.”

The base salary for professionals in this branch was approximately $58,510 per year in 2023, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, the astonishing projected growth rate of 15 percent means that these salaries will likely increase within the next ten years.

This growth reflects the rising demand for counseling services and underscores the expanding recognition of counselors' vital role in society. Therefore, entering this profession now could offer you the opportunity to make a significant impact in your community.

4. Rehabilitation Counselor

Rehabilitation counselors play a crucial role in building independence in their clients, guiding them through both physical and emotional challenges. This profession demands a significant amount of dedication and empathy, as counselors must support individuals navigating through often tumultuous times.

While the job can be incredibly fulfilling, it is important to note that it is currently not among the highest-paying careers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for a rehabilitation counselor is approximately $44,040.

5. Gerontological Counselor

Gerontological psychology and counseling is becoming more prevalent due to increasing lifespans and improving medical coverage. As people live longer, the need for specialized counseling for age-related issues grows. This field addresses numerous facets of aging, from mental health to social relationships, ensuring that older adults receive comprehensive support.

Pursuing a career in counseling and hospital geriatrics can give you opportunities in a field that is growing significantly. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this field is estimated to have a growth rate of over 7 percent. Some professionals doing this are making more than $58,380 annually.

By integrating these two areas of expertise, you can enhance your earning potential and contribute to a growing and essential field of health care.

Taking the First Step

If you're ready to enter into the gratifying and sustainable field of counseling, CCU is here to help. By pursuing your counseling degree online at CCU, you can specialize in areas such as: substance abuse and use, marriage and family therapy, or even school counseling. This flexibility allows you to tailor your education to your career goals and better serve the communities you are passionate about helping.
CCU’s experienced faculty and professional staff are dedicated to guiding you into the life of service, significance, and solvency of which you've dreamed. With expertise and support, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the field of counseling. At CCU, you can achieve your professional aspirations and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.

Are you ready to take the next step toward earning your counseling degree? Connect with a CCU Enrollment Counselor today by completing the form on this page or learn more by clicking the button below.

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